
Service Design Workshop

The pioneers of the Service Design in Korea.

Nov. 10. 2010



One of the best documentary about Design.
Whether you are designer or not, I recommend you to watch it.

Nov. 8. 2010.



The hardest thing is to keep the promise...
Nov. 7. 2010


In search of Design DNA of Korea

We start from researching "Wood" related design works.

Service Design Workshop~

Creative Workshop about improving Restroom in the bus terminal.
Creavate + CYPHICS + LG Hausys + KIDP


Design Management 2010 in Pratt Institute_the best team

I love you guys all.

Jinwoo who has been most inspired by other 20 creative designer friends at Design Management program at Pratt Institute.
(Photo credit: Jinwoo Kim)


Documentary_5th Day

CNN with Kim Bui at Atlanta!
She shows a "quiet leadership".


Documentary_4th day

University of Texas, Austin with Professor Sam Gossling.

Documentary_3rd day

NYC(Contrabase) -> Houston, Texas -> Austin, Texas
Some photos at Contrabase(Minbak).
Not much things to do in the airport, so we shot each other.

Documentary_2nd day

Saint Luke's Hospital at Bethlehem in Pennsylvenia.

I got a great feeling from this hospital with their passion to their profession. The way they respect each employee's personality is very impressive.

Documentary_1st day

Feb 15 at Washington DC
Dr. Dean Hamer is a person who is a specialist for the role o inheritance in human behaviro, personality traits, and cancer risk-related behaviors.